“Piękno na to jest, by zachwycało do pracy - praca, by się zmartwychwstało.” Cyprian Kamil Norwid
„No one gets freedom forever…”
„No one gets freedom forever…” with this message the 97th Anniversary of Independence ceremony was started. Students from Cyprian Kamil Norwid School with Mrs. M. Różycka and Mrs. A. Strojecka in charge attended the holy mass conducted by His Excellency bishop Kazimierz Romaniuk in Przemienienia Pańskiego Church in Radzymin. After the mass the ceremony was held in front of the Tadeusz Kościuszko’s memorial, where commemoration wreaths were placed. Moreover, the students from our school thanked Stanisław Kuć, the priest, for religious care of our school, and gave Him best wishes from the bottom of our hearts.
Written by Paweł Ryś, class 2b
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