“Piękno na to jest, by zachwycało do pracy - praca, by się zmartwychwstało.” Cyprian Kamil Norwid
On 15 May 2015 Junior High School students took part in an educational programme and visited permanent and temporary exhibitions of various Polish and world’s works of art from ancient times to the present in National Museum in Warsaw.
We started with the educational activities. The topic of the first lesson was the ancient world. “From an Egyptian Sanctuary To an Arabic Stronghold”, the second was called “The Museum Hits”. The meeting with culture and art had an interactive character and included workshop elements. The students’ task was to observe carefully outstanding works of art and work thoroughly with the provided educational material. The activities in different galleries extended in time, because the teenagers were very active, they asked a lot of questions and shared their knowledge eagerly with the tour guide and with their friends.
During the visit to National Museum the teenagers had the opportunity to see the most interesting artefacts of painting, sculpture, drawing, photography and also items of craft and design. The middle school students enjoyed the exhibition of modern art and multimedia presentations the most. Although everybody enjoyed the visit to the museum, it lacked something, because we did not have the opportunity to see the Matejko Room, which was closed at the time. And so we will return to the museum soon, if only for Matejko.
Translated by Damian Włodarczyk, II AG
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