Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida w Radzyminie
“Piękno na to jest, by zachwycało do pracy - praca, by się zmartwychwstało.” Cyprian Kamil Norwid
 Sport's Day

Sport's Day

As every year on Children's Day, inter-class sports games were organised in our school. They consisted of following competitions: throwing the ball in the basket, long jump from a stationary point, an obstacle course and the tug of war. In Junior High School Form I AG had the first place and Form I BG had the second place. In Senior High School, the first place was won by Form II D, the second by Form I A the third place by Form II C and the fourth by Form II A. Such games create an opportunity to test our own abilities, provide emotions to fans and teach fair play. Sport competitions for students on Children's Day were prepared by the PE teachers: Ms Ewa Całka, Mr Tadeusz Jędrasik and Mr Michał Ziółkowski.

Photos: Jakub Koniec

Translated by Dawid Gałucha and Patryk Szmarowski

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