Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida w Radzyminie
“Piękno na to jest, by zachwycało do pracy - praca, by się zmartwychwstało.” Cyprian Kamil Norwid


On 17 November our school was visited by Simon Wren, who is a teacher and an actor. He ran an extremely interesting language workshop about Great Britain. The workshop was part of European educational project “Learning Without Borders’’. This year our school has joined this project, too.

The project assumes students taking part in periodic workshops ran in English by native speakers, who join learning English with culture and art of English-speaking countries. Students have a chance to experience live language and have fun at the same time. The very idea of learning while having fun is the priority of the native teachers.

The project also fits perfectly the idea of bilingual education, which the Junior High School students benefit from. For Senior High School students the activities with native speakers are an opportunity to develop their language skills, especially in terms of spoken language understanding.

The next workshop will take place on 15 January. Feel invited!

Translated by Kamila Kołacz